Fatigue ICD-10 CM Coding Guide

Basic information on Fatigue ICD-10 CM codes Fatigue is a condition marked by drowsiness and an unusual lack of energy and mental alertness. It can be caused by many things, including illness, injury, or drugs. Fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. R53.83 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis … Read more

Costochondritis ICD 10 Coding Guide

Basic information on Costochondritis ICD 10 codes Costochondritis is a condition where the cartilage in the breastbone becomes inflamed, causing severe chest pain. ICD-Code M94.0 is a billable ICD-10 code used for healthcare diagnosis reimbursement of Chondrocostal Junction Syndrome [Tietze]. Its corresponding ICD-9 code is 733.6. Clinical Information A benign inflammation of one or more … Read more

Dementia ICD-10 CM coding Guide for coders

Basic information about ICD-10 CM code for Dementia Dementia is characterized by the development of multiple cognitive deficits such as memory impairment and cognitive disturbances including aphasia, apraxia, and agnosia. The ICD-10-CM classifies dementia (categories F01, F02, and F03) on the basis of the etiology (i.e., vascular, other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified) and severity (i.e., unspecified, mild, moderate, … Read more

Practice Sample Medical Coding Charts for Coders

Practice Sample Medical Coding Charts for Coders

Sample Medical Coding Report 1   DIAGNOSES: 1. Right shoulder osteoarthritis. 2. Right shoulder rotator cuff tear, subscapularis. 3. Grade 4 chondromalacia glenohumeral articulation. 4. Degenerative labral tear. 5. Type 2 SLAP tear. 6. Impingement. 7. AC joint arthritis. 8. Soft tissue mass. 9. Conjoined tendon, subscapularis.   PROCEDURE PERFORMED: 1. Right shoulder arthroscopic rotator … Read more

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