CPT code 32555 coded sample report

Ultrasound guided right thoracentesis Indication: Pleural effusion Findings: Written informed consent was obtained from the patient after  explanation of risks, benefits and alternatives. Limited ultrasound scanning over the back for localization of the right pleural effusion. Overlying skin posteriorly was marked with ultrasound and then sterilely prepped and draped. Local anesthesia with 1% lidocaine. A … Read more

CPT code for Polypectomy & Myomectomy Coding guide

Coding Guide for CPT code for Polypectomy & Myomectomy

Basics about Polypectomy & Myomectomy CPT code Endometrial polyps are one of the most common causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Endometrial polyps can also be an overgrowth (tumor) of cells. Hence, polypectomy is done to get rid of such harmful diseases. Polypectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which doctors remove … Read more

Cpt code 20550 & 20551 (Trigger Finger/point injection): STudy guide

Basics of trigger finger/point injection cpt code 20550-20551 The physician injects a therapeutic agent into a single tendon sheath, or ligament, aponeurosis such as the plantar fascia in 20550 and into a single tendon origin/insertion site in 20551. The physician identifies the injection site by palpation or radiographs (reported separately) and marks the injection site. … Read more

Coding Guide for ORIF distal Radius CPT codes

Basics of ORIF distal Radius CPT codes ORIF stands for Open Reduction Internal Fixation. Distal radial fractures can be very complex. Open treatment of a distal radial fracture is significantly more complex today than when the CPT code for open reduction and internal fixation was originally introduced, due to new technology (eg, fracture specific fixation, … Read more

Joint replacement (Wrist, Ankle & Elbow) Coding guide

Basics of Joint replacement procedures Joint replacement procedure are very common in old age patient. With growing age the bone density decreases and hence joint problems increases. In most of the case joint replacement procedure help in treatment problems like arthritis, osteoarthritis etc. Medical coders has lot of confusion in coding joint replacement or arthroplasty … Read more

Best Coding tips for CPT code 62270 & 62272 (Lumbar Puncture)

Best Coding tips for CPT code 62270 & 62272 (Lumbar Puncture)

Basics about 62270 CPT code (Lumbar Puncture) A lumbar spinal puncture is performed for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. A lumbar puncture (spinal tap) is performed in your lower back, in the lumbar region. During a lumbar puncture, a needle is inserted between two lumbar bones (vertebrae) to remove a sample of cerebrospinal fluid. This is the fluid that surrounds your brain and spinal cord to protect … Read more

CPT code 76937 : Vascular Ultrasound Guidance Coding

Amazing guide for CPT code 76937 for Vascular Ultrasound Guidance

In percutaneous surgery procedures, imaging guidance plays a very important role. For example, the use of ultrasound, fluoroscopy, MRI, CT guidance in biopsy, injection procedures. Also, the imaging guidance CPT code varies from vascular to non-vascular procedures. For non-vascular procedures like  biopsy, joint injection, Fine needle aspiration etc. use of ultrasound guidance CPT code 76942 is used. … Read more

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