Babcock operation. Ligation of the saphenous vein using a long probe inserted through a small incision; the probe retrieves the vein, which is removed and its proximal end ligated.
Baker tube. Intestinal tube inserted through the jejunostomy and fed distally to decompress the bowel.
Baldy–Webster operation. Surgical shortening of the round ligaments by fixing them behind the uterus to treat retroversion of the uterus.
Bankart procedure. Surgical placement of drill holes and sutures to repair the integrity of a glenohumeral joint
with recurrent dislocation.
Bardenheurer operation. Ligation of the innominate artery with partial sternoclavicular and rib resections using both transverse and vertical incisions.
Barkan’s operation. Incision into Schlemm’s canal under direct visualization; glaucoma treatment.
Bassini repair. Suture of transversus fascia and conjoined tendons to the inguinal ligament to relocate muscles to cover a defect in the inguinal canal as part of the repair of an inguinal hernia.
Belsey fundoplication. Surgical treatment of gastric reflux disease by wrapping the fundus of the stomach around the lower esophagus; the esophagus is treated with a twothirds wraparound.
Bennett procedure. Surgical lengthening of the quadriceps (femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, and vastus lateralis muscles) by releasing fibrous or scarred tissue
Bilhaut–Cloquet procedure. Combining or winnowing of soft tissue and/or bone to form a single fused thumb in congenital bifurcation of the thumb.
Billroth I or II. Surgical excision of part of the stomach. In Billroth I, the pylorus is excised and the proximal stomach is sutured to the duodenum. In Billroth II, the antrum of the stomach is excised and the greater curvature is sutured to the jejunum.
Bischof procedure. Surgical treatment of leg spasticity with a laminectomy followed by longitudinal incision of nerve roots to disrupt nerve impulses.
Blalock–Hanlon procedure. Surgical treatment for hypoxemia associated with transposition of the great vessels through the creation of a septal defect to improve oxygen levels in arterial blood.
Blalock–Taussig procedure. Surgical treatment for hypoxemia associated with tetralogy of Fallot; performed by severing a branch of the subclavian or carotid artery and anastomosing it to the pulmonary artery in order to improve oxygen levels in arterial blood.
Blom–Singer prosthesis. Indwelling device for restoration of speech abilities post laryngectomy; it is inserted through a fistula created in the trachea.
Bonney test. Manual elevation or deviation of the bladder neck during cough or strain to detect stress urinary incontinence; also called Marshall test or Marshall–Marchetti test.
Borthen operation. Surgical stretching of the tissue of the iris as a treatment for glaucoma.
Bost fusion. Surgical fusion of the wrist joint using grafts of cancellous bone.
Bosworth operation. Surgical treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation using a screw to facilitate ligament repair.
Boyce operation. Incision into the renal parenchyma to access the calyces between the anterior and posterior branches of the renal artery for the removal of calculi.
Boyd hip disarticulation. Trans-iliac or trans-pelvic amputation with an anterior racquet-shaped incision and suture of a gluteal flap to the pectineus and adductor muscles.
Brent ear reconstruction. Four-stage reconstruction of the external ear to treat microtia, includes creation of cartilage framework, lobe transposition, elevation, and tragus construction.
Bricker procedure. Creation of a urinary diversion in which the ureters are anastomosed to a short segment of intestine, which is brought to the skin surface to establish a stoma; the diversion is not continent
Bristow procedure. Treatment of recurrent anterior instability of the shoulder by transferring the coracoid process through a horizontal slit in the subcapsularis tendon and fixed with sutures onto the neck of the scapula, where it serves as a block in front of the humeral head.
Brock operation. Surgical reconstruction of a stenotic pulmonary valve with excision of part of the valve, approach through the right ventricle.
Brostrom procedure. Stabilization of the ankle with repair of the anterior talofibular ligament.
Browne operation. Hypospadias repair with urethroplasty using the intact strip of epithelium to form the roof of the urethra; the stripped floor of the urethra heals secondarily.
Brunelli procedure. Correction of wrist instability by securing a tendon through a hole drilled in the
scaphoid bone.
Brunschwig operation. Pelvic exenteration with resection of the bladder, urethra, rectum, reproductive organs, anus, and support structures, with creation of urinary and digestive stomas; usually reserved for stage IV pelvic cancers.
Burgess amputation. Trans-tibial amputation with a long posterior flap technique.
Burhenne procedure. Insertion of a catheter and wire basket into the bile duct to retrieve a gallstone.
Burow operation. Excision of a small triangle of tissue at the corner of a skin flap to facilitate movement and enable better cosmetic results; also called Von
Burow operation. Excision of a small triangle of tissue at the corner of a skin flap to facilitate movement and enable better cosmetic results; also called Von Burow operation.