Hypothyroidism ICD 10 CM Coding Guide for coders

Hypothyroidism ICD 10 CM coding Information The deficiency of thyroid activity, characterized by decrease in basal metabolic rate, fatigue, and lethargy, if left untreated, it may lead to Hypothyroidism  or myxedema. ICD-Code E03.9 is a billable ICD-10 code used for healthcare diagnosis reimbursement of Hypothyroidism, Unspecified. Subclinical hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body … Read more

The Ultimate Dizziness ICD 10 Coding guide

Basic information on Dizziness ICD 10 codes Dizziness is a feeling of being unsteady, but can refer to different sensations including vertigo, feeling faint and problems with balance. ICD-Code R42 is a billable ICD-10 code used for healthcare diagnosis reimbursement of Dizziness and Giddiness. Corresponding ICD-9 code for Dizziness is 780.4. Dizziness being a symptoms … Read more

Fatigue ICD-10 CM Coding Guide

Basic information on Fatigue ICD-10 CM codes Fatigue is a condition marked by drowsiness and an unusual lack of energy and mental alertness. It can be caused by many things, including illness, injury, or drugs. Fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. R53.83 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis … Read more

Costochondritis ICD 10 Coding Guide

Basic information on Costochondritis ICD 10 codes Costochondritis is a condition where the cartilage in the breastbone becomes inflamed, causing severe chest pain. ICD-Code M94.0 is a billable ICD-10 code used for healthcare diagnosis reimbursement of Chondrocostal Junction Syndrome [Tietze]. Its corresponding ICD-9 code is 733.6. Clinical Information A benign inflammation of one or more … Read more

Dementia ICD-10 CM coding Guide for coders

Basic information about ICD-10 CM code for Dementia Dementia is characterized by the development of multiple cognitive deficits such as memory impairment and cognitive disturbances including aphasia, apraxia, and agnosia. The ICD-10-CM classifies dementia (categories F01, F02, and F03) on the basis of the etiology (i.e., vascular, other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified) and severity (i.e., unspecified, mild, moderate, … Read more

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